FAQ - Egypt

Questions about traveling to Egypt

Find out everything you need to know about a trip to Egypt. We answer questions about safety, customs, money matters, and more. Read here for all the information you need to plan a trip to Egypt.

The currency of Egypt is the Egyptian Pound (LE). It’s recommended that you change money in Egypt as the exchange rate is usually better. Many businesses also accept Euros, US Dollars, and Pound Sterling, but you may end up paying more if you use these. Money changers are plentiful in Egypt or you can change currency in a bank. It is not recommended that you change money in hotels as you will not get a good rate of exchange.

Part of Egypt is made up of coastline which enjoys a Mediterranean climate.

The rest of the country has a dry, desert climate and it is usually reasonably warm or hot throughout the year. Evenings can be cool, especially in the winter months from November to April. You can expect temperatures to range from around 20C to 26C around this time.

Summer runs from May to October and temperatures can rise to over 30C.

There is no rainy season in Egypt and even the wetter parts of the country such as Alexandria only receive around 200 millimeters of rain every year.

Egypt uses Eastern European Time (EET). This is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT + 2). There is no Daylight Saving Time (DST) in Egypt.

Tipping is not compulsory in Egypt but it is often expected. This is up to the discretion of the guest but is appreciated by locals.

Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country and attitudes to alcohol are conservative. The sale of alcohol is prohibited in shops but you can buy alcoholic drinks in hotels, bars, and some tourist venues.

The crime rate in Egypt is low and usually involves petty crime such as pickpocketing and snatch thefts. As such you should take care of your possessions and store valuables in a hotel safe if possible.

There is a continued risk of terrorism in Egypt and you should remain vigilant at all times.

Drug use is illegal in Egypt and possible sentences for those caught breaking the law can include life imprisonment or the death penalty. 

Homosexuality is legal in Egypt however homosexual acts in public are illegal and can result in arrest.

During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan you may find that many businesses are closed during the daytime and some venues will stop serving alcohol. During this time Muslims will fast between dawn and sunset. Non-Muslims are allowed to eat and drink in the daytime during Ramadan in Egypt but should do so discreetly in public areas. 

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