Questions about booking with Jordan Taxi
Find a list of frequently asked questions about our services, booking policy, and contact details. This is the place to get information on how to get in touch with our team, make a payment, or find out more about the services that we provide. If it is related to how to use the Egypt Taxi service, then we will try to answer it here.
The process is very easy. Simply fill in the online booking form and we will respond within 12 hours with our best offer at the lowest rate. All you need to do is confirm if you would like to proceed with this booking and we will send you a confirmation email.
Please read the FAQ page first to see if your question has been answered. If you still have a question, then you can send it to us via the booking request form or contact us via contact form You will be contacted by a member of the team with an answer within 12 hours.
All fares are based on distance traveled and number of cars needed. We do not charge per passenger or per item of luggage.
There is no upfront payment with Egypt Taxi so you will not need to pay when you book. All payments are made directly to your driver in US Dollars or EGP egyptian pound. You can pay the driver before, during, or at the end of your journey.
Your driver will be waiting for you in the arrival hall just outside the arrival gates. All drivers are provided with a sign with the name of the guest for easy identification.
We do not provide one set model, as drivers use their own cars. However, we guarantee that all cars are 2012 models or newer and will be clean and comfortable. Air conditioning and seat belts are guaranteed. All cars are registered in the name of the driver and are properly maintained with the correct paperwork.
Yes. We have a 100% record when it comes to customer safety. This means that you can travel with us with full peace of mind.
Do you have more questions?
Do you have another question for us? Get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.
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